Andor - Season 1
Director: Toby Haynes, Suanna White and Benjamin Caron
Prequel to Rogue One (2016). The series follows thief-turned-rebel spy Cassian Andor during the five years that lead to the events of the film. The computer graphics are featured in 50 sets and props across 12 episodes. Luke Hull's vision was to update the technology to feature consoles, datapads and computer graphics with a more contemporary feel.
Taking inspiration from the Apollo 11 space programme the screens are full of tracking and research data available in night and day modes.

Coruscant: Bureau of Standards / Imperial War Room
Syril files multiple reports on Andor at The Imperial Bureau of Standards. A data pool of official green-hued graphics on consoles. Dedra searches for the stolen Imperial Starpath unit on a datapad. The Imperial war room screen features a map graphic showing the destruction after the bomb has landed.

Coruscant: Arrivals / Luthen's Gallery / Turbolift
Syril returns to Coruscant through the Spaceport terminal. The graphics have the feel of airport screens with a Star Wars impressionistic twist. Kleya talks to Luthen on the fractal radio with the graphics driven by their dialogue. The Turbolift is FAST!

Andor contacts Xanwan and asks him to tell Maarva that he is okay via an audio link. Bix is the owner of the Caleen Salyard. The graphics here are made up of animated blueprints based on original Haynes manuals.

Narkina 5 & Niamos
Narkina 5 is where the Galactic Empire maintains a prison complex. Utilitarian graphics for the jail include prison cell day countdowns, security controlled outpost screens and schematic layouts of the Nakina 5 prison complex.
We used a specific colour palette for the computer graphics within Niamos. Mellow yellows, baby blues and powder puff pinks echo the tropical resort world.

Fondor Haulcraft
The graphics within the vehicle show real-time tracking of enemy ships, the powering up laser cannons, star chart tracking and a projectile launcher.